Phrasal Verbs with GET = Reflexive Verbs in Spanish?

Hola amigos, ¿Cómo están hoy? Espero muy bien.

Welcome to this week's edition of Master Spanish Weekly – your go-to guide for improving your Spanish. Every week, I break down key concepts, share engaging resources, and give you practical tools to integrate Spanish into your daily life.

This week, I’m reviewing something tricky for English speakers: Phrasal verbs with “GET” and their Spanish equivalents, often reflexive verbs.

🧩 Phrasal Verbs with GET = Reflexive Verbs in Spanish?

Phrasal verbs with GET can be confusing for English speakers because Spanish doesn’t use this type of structure. Instead of modifying one verb with prepositions, Spanish relies on reflexive verbs or completely different expressions.

Many English speakers try to translate phrasal verbs literally, which often leads to sentences that don’t make sense. Instead, recognizing the reflexive patterns in Spanish helps everything click into place.

Here are some common phrasal verbs with GET and their natural Spanish equivalents:

1️⃣ Get upLevantarse (Me levanto temprano los fines de semana.)
2️⃣ Get readyPrepararse (Me preparo para la reunión de trabajo.)
3️⃣ Get dressedVestirse (Nos vestimos rápido cuando llegamos tarde.)
4️⃣ Get along (with someone)Llevarse bien (Mis hermanos se llevan bien.)
5️⃣ Get tiredCansarse (Después de trabajar todo el día, me canso mucho.)
6️⃣ Get sickEnfermarse (Me enfermé después del viaje.)
7️⃣ Get used toAcostumbrarse a (Me estoy acostumbrando a vivir en un país nuevo.)
8️⃣ Get boredAburrirse (Nos aburrimos cuando no tenemos nada que hacer.)
9️⃣ Get madEnojarse (Mi amigo se enojó porque llegué tarde.)
🔟 Get lostPerderse (Nos perdimos en la ciudad sin Google Maps.)

🎥 In my latest Instagram Reel I explained a few of these verbs with examples so you can hear the sound in context. See it below:

🎶 Song of the Week: Siddhartha – “Únicos”

This week’s song is Únicos by Siddhartha, an indie rock artist from Mexico. Before his solo career, he was the drummer for Zoé, one of Latin America's most famous alternative bands. His music has poetic lyrics, relaxing melodies, and a unique sound that is great for language learning.

🔊 Listen here👇🏼

Try listening and picking out words or phrases. Even if you don’t understand everything, this kind of immersion helps improve comprehension naturally.

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer este correo y por tu interés en seguir aprendiendo español. Espero que el contenido de esta semana te haya sido útil.

Nos vemos la próxima semana,

Un abrazo,

Alejandro Nuñez
Founder & Director